Acceptable Behaviour Policy – Our Commitment

1. Overview

At Hannells, we believe that all customers deserve to be listened to, understood, and treated with respect. Equally, we expect our staff to work in an environment that is safe, free from abuse or harm. Our aim is to maintain positive interactions, built on mutual respect and courtesy between customers and staff alike.

While most of our clients approach us with concerns in a reasonable manner, helping us to resolve issues swiftly and effectively, there are occasional instances where behaviour becomes unacceptable. This may include abusive actions toward our staff or misuse of our processes.

It’s important to clarify that we do not consider a forceful or determined approach to be unacceptable. However, actions that result in unreasonable demands or abusive behaviour cross a line that we cannot tolerate. The types of unacceptable actions generally fall into two categories:

> Aggressive or abusive behaviour

> Unreasonable demands or excessive contact

2. Aggressive or Abusive Behaviour

We understand that sometimes emotions can run high, especially in challenging situations where clients may feel anxious or dissatisfied. However, any escalation into aggression or abusive behaviour is unacceptable.

Aggression can take various forms, including:

> Use of language (verbal or written) that causes our staff to feel threatened or abused. This may include shouting, swearing, threats, derogatory remarks, or inappropriate references related to culture, identity, or beliefs.

> Inflammatory statements or baseless accusations.

In these instances, we may take the following steps:

> Request that the client refrains from the offensive behaviour.

> End telephone calls, appointments, or meetings.

> Halt all direct contact with the client.

3. Unreasonable Demands or Excessive Contact

While we aim to meet the high expectations of our clients, there are occasions where demands become excessive. When a client’s requests begin to take up an unreasonable amount of time or place undue pressure on our staff, it may prevent us from serving other clients fairly.

Unreasonable demands can include:

> Constant communication (in-person, by phone, or via email) about the same issue without allowing time for resolution.

> Refusing to accept explanations or decisions and persistently seeking further reviews.

In response, we may:

> Limit communication to specific times or a single point of contact.

> Arrange meetings by appointment only.

> Restrict further correspondence to written communication.

> Refuse to respond to repetitive or irrelevant inquiries.

4. Managing Unacceptable Behaviour

4.1 Written Warning

If initial steps do not lead to a change in behaviour, or if the situation warrants it, we will issue a formal warning letter. A warning may be sent for incidents such as:

> Personal or derogatory remarks.

> Swearing, shouting, or refusal to accept decisions.

> Multiple, unreasonable requests for progress updates.

The letter will outline why the decision has been made, what alternative arrangements will be in place, and the duration of the restrictions. Continued behaviour of this kind may result in the termination of our relationship with the client.

4.2 Immediate Termination

In extreme cases, where the safety of our staff is at risk due to threats of violence or intimidation, our relationship with the client will be ended immediately. We take these matters seriously and will inform the police when necessary.

5. Our Commitment to You

We are dedicated to treating all clients with courtesy and respect, and we understand that your concerns are important to you. We will always communicate clearly and professionally. If you are ever dissatisfied with our services, please refer to our complaints procedure, which is available HERE.